KBI 310584 New Feature: Argent Commander Enterprise Tree Pane


Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above


Wed, 3 July 2013


Argent Commander’s “Enterprise” and “Device Drill-down” pages have a new tree interface for drilling into nodes

Technical Background

In previous versions of Argent Commander, drilling-down into a node from the Enterprise page would take customers away from the master list of nodes

This meant lots of back-and-forth clicking in order to quickly scan through the health of several nodes

With the tree feature, the tree remains persistent while the right-hand pane loads the data

The new tree pane can be shown or hidden — this is a saved setting for each user

The tree has the following features:

* Resizable panes

* Search for nodes

* Grouping the tree into different views: Node Type, Node Name (alphabetic), Monitoring Group and Date Added

Each node also shows its Alert Status, and has sub-branches that show all Rules and saved Argent Predictor counters that pertain to the node — these pages can also be individually drilled-down

For users who have privileges to access the Maintenance Schedules, a calendar icon will be visible next to each node, which brings up the Maintenance Schedules manager:


Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A or above