KBI 310587 New Feature: Cross-Reference Module


Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above


Wed, 3 July 2013


Argent Commander’s Device drill-down pages have a new “Cross-Reference” module

This new module can be added to the Device drill-down pages by clicking on “Configure This Screen”

Technical Background

This module allows customers to quickly see ALL associated Rules, Relators, products and Last Run Time for the node — giving customers a convenient overview of everything that is running in production for the node

This module has sortable and resizable columns — the settings are persistent per-user.

Clicking on a row will launch the Argent Commander Console, with the Rule and Relator added to the event filter — taking customers straight to the relevant Alerts

Each row is color-coded for ease of browsing, and follows the same color scheme as the core Argent products:

RED – An outstanding unanswered alert exists for this Rule and Relator on the drilled-down node

YELLOW – An answered or resolved alert exists for this Rule and Relator on the drilled-down node

GREEN – No alerts exist for this Rule and Relator on the drilled-down node (or the alerts have been purged and/or archived)


Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A or above