KBI 311157 Issue Addressed: Configuration Options Screen Displays The Backup Node Has Taken Over As The Main Service Node Even After Main Engine Took The Service Back


Argent Job Scheduler version 10.0A-1401-A and earlier


Friday, 16 Jan 2015


Addressed the issue that the ‘Backup Node’ tab in the ‘Configuration Options’ screen of Backup Engine displays a wrong message that the ‘The Backup Node has taken over as the Main Service Node’, even after the Main Engine took back the service

Technical Background

The High Availability architecture in the Argent Job Scheduler permits the Backup Engine to take over the service from the Main Engine, when the Main Engine service goes down

In this case, the ‘Backup Node’ tab in the ‘Configuration Options’ screen of the Backup Engine displays a message ‘The Backup Node has taken over as the Main Service Node’

However, even after the Main Engine takes back the service from the Backup Engine, the ‘Backup Node’ tab of the Back Engine continues to display the same message

This issue has been addressed in Argent Job Scheduler 1501-B version

In the new version, the ‘Backup Node’ tab of the Backup Engine shows the message ‘This Node is running as a Backup node’, once the Main Engine service takes back the service from the Backup Engine


Upgrade to Argent Job Scheduler 10.0A-1501-A or above