KBI 310978 New Feature: Defining Weekends In Argent Reports
Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-A or above
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Argent Reports now allows customers to specify what constitutes as a ‘Weekend‘ when using the ‘Exclude Weekends‘ options
Technical Background
Some customers have their business hours open full-time on Saturdays while Sunday is a day of rest
Similarly, some countries may have a different definition of what a weekend is
In any case – up to two days of the week can be designated as the weekend to exclude data from
Leaving one of the weekends blank results in only a single day to be treated as the weekend
Note that time zones play a role in determining whether a data point falls on a weekend
See this KBI for more information
Upgrade to Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-A or above