KBI 310606 New Feature: Dynamically Querying Time Zone Information


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1308-A and above


Monday, 29 Jul 2013


Customers can specify the time zone information for the CMDB-X node automatically without hard-coding the time zones for each node

Technical Background

Customers have to explicitly specify the time zone for the CMDB-X node in Argent AT 3.1A-1307-A and below.

This can be inconvenient for many circumstances. This new feature allows customers to use one of following options for the time zone setting:

  1. Fixed Hours – This is the option implemented in earlier versions
  2. Dynamic Read From Server – The time zone setting is read from the specified timeserver
  3. Use Trusted Agent – The time zone setting is read from the specified Argent AT trusted agent
  4. Use Supervising Engine – The time zone is exactly the same as the Supervising Engine

When customers use the option ‘Dynamic Read From Server‘, they do not have to read from the CMDB-X node itself. Instead they can use a dedicated time server in the same time zone. This is actually better in performance as the time zone information is cached and re-used


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1308-A and above.