Argent-wide Flag Settings


To test a Windows service, Argent first needs to connect to the server where the service is located.

Sometimes — due to any number of reasons — the server is inaccessible to the Argent server doing the testing.

Customers can treat this situation in one of two ways:

  • To ignore the situation, or
  • To treat is as an error — that the service is not running

There are good reasons for taking each approach.

If the error case is chosen, be aware that additional alerts likely will be logged to the Argent Console.

In addition, downstream AT Alerts trying to restart the service will fail, as clearly the server where the service is located is inaccessible to the Argent server doing the testing.


To test a Windows performance counter, Argent first needs to connect to the server where the perf counter is located.

Sometimes — due to any number of reasons — the server is inaccessible to the Argent server doing the testing.

Customers can treat this situation in one of two ways:

  • To ignore the situation, or
  • To treat is as an error — that the service is not running

There are good reasons for taking each approach.

If the error case is chosen, be aware that additional alerts likely will be logged to the Argent Console.

In addition, downstream AT Alerts taking actions on the server will fail, as clearly the server where the perf counter is located is inaccessible to the Argent server doing the testing.

(An example is if the Perf Rule checks disk free space, and if below a threshold, then a cmd file on the inaccessible server is attempted to be run.)