KBI 220136 Storing Argent Defender Data In Argent Predictor


3.2A-0201-T12 and later


8 Apr 2002


When saving the Argent Defender’s performance data into the Argent Predictor the data is stored in the TAGSLAV and TAGACDF database tables.

Technical Background

The Argent Defender can utilize the Argent Predictor’s reporting functionality to generate advanced reports for the Argent Defender.

This is achieved by storing the Argent Defenders performance data in the Argent Predictor tables.

These database tables are TAGSLAV and TAGADCF.

Checking the box “Save Performance data into Predictor” on screen D104C of in the test configuration activates the Argent Predictor collecting functionality in the Argent Defender.


Further information on the Argent Predictor’s database table structure can be found in knowledge base using the keywords “Argent Predictor database structure”.