KBI 220321 Argent Job Scheduler GUI Gives Hourglass’; GUI Never Starts




11 Nov 2004


Occasionally a Customer will call in to report that he cannot launch the Argent Job Scheduler GUI on any of his clients or on the server.

The Customer will see only an hourglass symbol when he tries to launch the GUI.

Checking TASK MANAGER may show multiple instances of the TAJS_GUI process.

Technical Background

This issue is caused by a corruption of the TAJS_GUI.OPT file and the TAJS_GUI.INI file.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Cancel any TAJS_GUI processes on all of the client workstations and on the server using TASK MANAGER.

  2. Go to the directory on the clients and on the server.

  3. Remove the TAJS_GUI.INI and TAJS_GUI.OPT files.

  4. The GUI should launch normally.

The Customer may have to re-create his connections in the GUI to his various Queue Engines after taking these steps.