KBI 220505 Unable To Connect To Machine


Argent All Versions


26 Mar 2007


When experiencing issues obtaining performance counters from a target server within the Argent XT products, typically the same issue is seen within Windows Performance Monitor (PERFMON) where the error ‘Unable To Connect To Machine’ will be displayed in a pop up window.

Technical Background

The ‘Unable To Connect To Machine’ error message shown within Windows Performance Monitor indicates there is a permissions issue communicating to the target device.

This can be confusing since the same account may be able view Services, Event Logs, System drives, etc.


The following actions can be taken to address this issue:

  1. Verify the Account being used has access to all the areas specified in the Microsoft Knowledgebase article below:

    MSDN Article:


  2. If the Monitoring Engine server is Windows 2003, add the Account to the Local Performance Monitor Users group.

    See if the account connects.

  3. If the Monitoring Engine server is Windows 2003 and the account still does not connect, navigate to Start>Control Panel> Store User Names And Passwords.

    Add in the target server as well as the account and password to be used.