KBI 220661 Lowercase Relator Names Not Supported In Argent XT
Argent XT 8.0A-0701
5 March 2007
Naming Relators in lowercase can lead to the Argent Console unexpectedly closing.
Lowercase Relator names are only possible after unchecking the All Objects Upper Case option (Administration > Product Settings, Screen N7A).
Technical Background
Not Applicable
Edit the underlying SQL table to work around the issue. For example, the Argent Guardian SQL table for Relators is ‘AG_Relator’.
Rename the Relator as follows:
UPDATE AG_Relator SET Relator = 'REL_UPPERCASE' WHERE (Relator = 'REL_lowercase')
Ensure that All Objects Upper Case is checked, to ensure this issue does not recur.
This is a known issue and will be resolved in a future version.