KBI 310061 Argent Data Consolidator Transfer and Database Engines




30 Apr 2008


Transfer Engine performs all the consolidation and archiving.

Database Engine is a service that interacts with databases, but isn’t needed except under special circumstances.

Technical Background

When setting up the Argent Data Consolidator, a common question is, “What’s the difference between

the Transfer and Database Engines, and when should I use them?”

Basically, the Transfer Engine works like the Monitoring Engine in the Argent Guardian. It’s the workhorse, performing all the consolidation and archiving.

In contrast, the Database Engine is a specialty service that interacts with databases, but isn’t

needed except under special circumstances. In most cases, the Transfer Engine is all that is needed to archive

logs to the SQL backend, but there are cases when the Database Engine is needed.

For example, here are three scenarios when the Database Engine would need to be used.

Scenario 1: Log Database is Across a Firewall

Scenario 2: Log Database is Located in a Different, Non-Trusted Domain

Scenario 3: Admin Wants to Archive to Another Database in Addition to the Main Archive

The Transfer Engine is needed in all cases to perform the consolidation, but a Database Engine is only

needed in special cases.
