KBI 310070 Alert Escalation Is Not Functioning Properly


Argent Console 8.0A-0707D


18 Dec 2007


Initial alerts are fired, but escalation and resolved alerts are never fired. AAC_ENGINE log references ODBC errors with the AAC_Escalation table.

Technical Background

The issue is caused when the To: and CC: fields of an email alert are too long for the AAC_Escalation.escalation_email column.

16 Nov 2007 12:30:23.781 NAPERVILLE argent-srv ODBC Error: The assign text for column ‘escalation_email’ of table ‘AAC_Escalation’ has length 100 bytes, which is GREATER THAN the SQL field length (64 bytes) (FILE: AAC_ProcessAlert.cpp LINE: 1088)

Recipient Macros will help reduce the occurrence of these errors.


Change the column data size of the AAC_Escalation.escalation table to 256.