KBI 310148 Faulting Application In Argent BoardRoom SETUP.EXE
Argent BoardRoom 9.5A-0901-RC4
26 Feb 2009
You may receive the following message in the Windows Application Event log when attempting to run Setup.exe for Argent BoardRoom:
Event ID: 1000
Event Description:
Faulting application SETUP.EXE, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.4062, fault address 0x0000bee7
Technical Background
This issue appears to be caused insufficient patch levels for the .NET framework or by insufficient patch levels of the operating system.
Ensure that your server operating system is at the latest service pack level and that all Microsoft patches have been applied. Argent Software development is currently investigating this issue to determine the exact Microsoft patches that are required.
Until this is determined, all Microsoft patches for the operating system and the .NET framework must be applied.