KBI 310270 Argent XT Missing Shared Definitions


8.0A-1007 or earlier for XT; AT not affected


8 Nov 2011


Relators, Automatic Distribution Reports and/or Alerts are missing in Non-Stop Motors:


07 Nov 2011 14:36:47.125 INTSRV34 AppArgentService SKIPPED report ‘RPT_ZZ_CPU_WINDOWS’. Could not find Automatic Report Distribution ‘ERPT_5_MIN_DRIFTDOK01_ETTRICH’

Technical Background

This is caused by the corruption of the shared database ;Automatic Report Distribution is a part of it

This is most common when the shared database is corrupted because an import was cancelled

The “shared database” consists of all shared definitions — Monitoring Groups, Alerts, Calendars, etc.

If the local copy of the shared database somehow becomes corrupted, it can cause issues with the Supervising Engine.


To correct it, do following:

  1. Shut down all services of all Motors/Main Engines including Argent Console services

  2. Delete files under directory \Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentAlertConsole\Data

    The files CB_DATA.* are the culprit.

  3. Delete files under \Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentGuardian\DBF

  4. Restart Argent services (Non-Stop Motors, restart one by one all motors)

  5. Restart the services, and verify that the identified log excerpts no longer exist

Give it a few minutes, the shared database should be regenerated, and populate to Argent Guardian motors.

Permanent Correction

Upgrade to Argent AT