KBI 310745 Server Is Unreachable And Cannot Be Monitored


All Argent AT products


Friday, 8 Nov 2013


Target server to be monitored may have multiple network cards and hence have multiple IP addresses, usually on different subnets

When Argent resolves the server hostname through DNS, the IP address is unreachable because there is no network route to that subnet

This usually happens for servers hosting websites or intranet portals, as the hostname is used in the URL of that website which faces the DMZ and thus no network routes are configured for network security

Technical Background

Example server ‘NDCAP3‘ has three network cards and three IP addresses for separate applications

The IP address to be monitored is, but in DNS that IP is related to ‘NDCAP3.management.net

When Argent queries the DNS server for ‘NDCAP3‘, it receives the IP address in the DMZ which is unreachable causing all Relators run against that Node to fail


Access Node Properties from CMDB-X and enter correct IP Address under ‘Alternative IP