KBI 310802 WScript Object Is Not Supported In VBScript/WMI Rule Or Action
Argent Advanced Technology all versions
Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014
WScript object cannot be used in VBScript/WMI Rule or WMI Action Script of any Argent AT products
Technical Background
WScript object is implemented within CScript.exe or WScript.exe
It is NOT an external ActiveX object that can be created through ‘CreateObject‘ method
As a result, WScript object cannot be used in VBScript Rule or WMI Action Script
Customer typically misuses WScript for two purposes:
- Use ‘WScript.echo‘ to write something to the console
Instead, customer should use Argent AT built-in ‘WriteStatus‘ method to write to service log, or ‘DoMessage‘ method to generate a network message
- Use ‘WScript.Sleep‘ to pause script for some milliseconds
Instead, customer should use Argent AT built-in ‘IsCancelled‘ method in VBScript/WMI Rule, and ‘Wait‘ method in WMI Action Script
(VBScript/WMI Rule) IsCancelled 3000 'Pause for 3 seconds (WMI Action Script) Wait 3000 'Pause for 3 seconds
- ‘Wait‘ method in WMI Action Script is only available in Argent AT 3.1A-1401-B and later
- ‘IsCancelled‘ method in VBScript/WMI Rule is originally designed to pause until timer expires or task is cancelled
It can be simply used for pausing the script