KBI 311409 Argent AT License May Not Apply When Installing Argent AT On A Domain Machine With Local Account
Argent Advanced Technology all versions
Friday, 10 June 2016
When customer installs Argent AT on a domain machine, if he logons as a local account, he may not be able to apply Argent provided license
Argent AT license uses machine domain to determine if license is valid
Machine domain is the domain that machine joins, not the domain or workgroup of current logon account
Argent AT setup program uses Local Security Authority (LSA) APIs to determine the machine domain
Normal local user usually does not have rights to call LSA APIs
When setup program cannot determine the machine domain, and it assumes machine is a workgroup member
As a result, the license is deemed invalid
Argent AT 3.1A-1601-T12 has been enhanced to catch such a user error
Technical Background
Logon as domain account to install the products
If it is possible, use the service account