KBI 311480 What Data Sources Can Argent Read From


Argent AT – All Versions


Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Argent Commander and Argent Reports can be used to display a graphical representation of non-Argent related data located in an external data source

Technical Background

There are various Argent AT Products that can connect to external third party data sources, extract necessary data and save this data into the Argent Predictor database


Once data is stored in the Argent Predictor database, Argent Commander and Argent Reports can then access this data for reporting and displaying dashboards

Argent AT supports extracting data from the following external data sources:

  1. Microsoft SQL Server (Requires Argent for SQL Server)
  2. Oracle Database Server (Requires Argent for Oracle)
  3. MySQL Database Server (Requires Argent for MySQL)
  4. ASCII Log Files (Requires Argent for Compliance)