KBI 311588 No SLA Data For PowerShell Rules


Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions


Friday, 17 November 2017


PowerShell Rules do not save Service Level Agreement (SLA) information into the Argent Predictor Database

Technical Background

Customers may have a PowerShell Rule that is set to check for a specific condition and when the condition is breached would like and Alert

In addition to an Alert, customers may want the Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance data collected for the specific Node to be marked as down for reporting purposes

By default, PowerShell Rules do not save SLA metrics into the Argent Predictor Database unless explicitly specified within the PowerShell Script


In order to explicitly save SLA Metrics into the Argent Predictor Database, the following PowerShell lines can be used:

To save a ‘Down’ SLA Event:

$PSPlayer.SavePredictor(“Service Level Agreement”,”System Alive”,”NODENAME”, 0)

To save an ‘Up’ SLA Event:

$PSPlayer.SavePredictor(“Service Level Agreement”,”System Alive”,”NODENAME”, 1)