KBI 311587 Job File Access Denied


Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions


Friday, 10 November 2017


When attempting to run a command that depends on an environment variable on a Windows Server, Jobs will fail to start and encounter a ‘Job file access denied’ error if the full explicit path to the command file is not defined in Argent Job Scheduler

Technical Background

The Argent Queue Engine does not honor what is set in the Windows PATH environment variable, this means that while a command may work fine from the Windows Command Prompt, it may not work as intended when executed from Argent Job Scheduler

The following error message is seen:

10 Nov 2017 09:11:03.939 AG-0170-W7 ADMINISTRATOR (06548-04188) 00888 Failed to submit Job DTEXEC_JOB by user Administrator (Job file access denied)


For example, when attempting to run a Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package in Argent Job Scheduler, the ‘DTExec.exe’ command is used

The DTExec.exe command requires one parameter, the path to a valid SSIS package

To run ‘DTExec.exe’ in Argent Job Scheduler, the path to the ‘DTExec.exe’ file should be identified

Once the full path has been determined, we can proceed to create the Job in Argent Job Scheduler as follows:

Note how the fully qualified UNC path is used, this is necessary to run DTExec.exe from Argent Job Scheduler

In the ‘Parameters’ section, the file name is supplied after the ‘/file’ flag

For more information on the DTExec tool, please see the following Microsoft Article:
