KBI 311599 Jobs Are Delayed From Getting Submitted To Argent Queue Engine
Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Jobs are delayed from getting submitted to the Argent Queue Engine, even when the dependency conditions are met, due to wrong limit setting at the Argent Queue Engine
Technical Background
Customers may require having only one instance of a Job to be run at a time
To accomplish this, they may erroneously set the limit of maximum executing Job as 1 at Argent Queue Engine or more precisely at Queue level as shown in the below screenshots
Both theses settings can cause a clog either at the Argent Queue Engine level or at the Queue level
The issue may be more severe when the limit is applied at the Argent Queue Engine level and you have many Queues where multiple Jobs are waiting to get submitted
The Scheduling Engine keeps submitting the Jobs to the Argent Queue Engine but the Queue/Argent Queue Engine postpones the Job due to the limit restriction
For making sure that only one instance of a Job is run at a time, the setting has to be done at the Scheduling Engine using the ‘Advanced’ component available in Job template configuration screen
The Scheduling Engine then, before submitting any Job to a Argent Queue Engine, does a check to see whether another instance of the same Job is already submitted and skip the Job from submission if it finds one already submitted
Also, the ‘Maximum Executing Jobs’ limit at the Queue/Argent Queue Engine level should be judiciously set depending up on the number of Jobs getting submitted and available Argent Queue Engine resources
This avoids the piling up of Jobs at the Queue/Argent Queue Engine and delay in the execution of Jobs