KBI 311625 Changing Argent Job Scheduler Database Server


Argent Job Scheduler – All versions


Monday, 26 February 2018


Argent Job Scheduler has easy-to-use configuration option for moving the SQL database from one machine to another

Technical Background

To change the Database Server used by the Argent Job Scheduler, PRINT the following steps:

  1. Stop Argent Scheduling Engine service and close all Argent Job Scheduler GUI instances on all machines
  2. Take a backup of the existing Argent Job Scheduler Database using SQL Server Management Studio – see screenshot below
  3. Restore the database to the new server using SQL Server Management Studio – see screenshot below
  4. Create a new ODBC DSN pointing to the new server

    See https://help.argent.com/#js_msde_create_dsn for creating ODBC DSN

  5. Run Argent Job Scheduler GUI, click on Settings menu -> Configuration Options
  6. In Configuration Options, go to System Options tab
  7. Click on the ODBC Setup to browse and select the newly created DSN
  8. Close the Argent Job Scheduler GUI
  9. Run Argent Job Scheduler GUI and check if values read by the Argent Job Scheduler GUI from the new Database Server
  10. Start the Argent Job Scheduler service


Changing the Database directly using the J1P screen is not advised

This can only be changed by trained and experienced Argent support and technical professionals
