KBI 311742 High CPU Warning And Relators Not Scheduled As Expected
Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Argent for Compliance Service Log indicates a high CPU and Relators stop running as expected
Technical Background
The following was found in the Argent for Compliance – Service Log:
Paused spawning monitoring engine processes
Reason: CPU usage is high
Even after setting the CPU_USAGE_THROTTLE to 0 and MAX_ENGINE_CPU_USAGE to 0 the issue persists
Furthermore, the actual CPU usage on the server was low, less than 20%
After further examining the logs, it was discovered that there was a database error
The following lines were found in the Argent Service Log:
***** WARNING ***** (Generated by ODBCResHandle.cpp
(RODBCHANDLE::HandleODBCLinkErr) at line 793:) DAL will shut down if the SQL backend database (SQL SERVER, ARGENTSQL) is not back online in 1440 minutes.
(Called from ProcessArchive.cpp – 702)
ODBC backend(DSN:Driver={SQLServer};Server=OLDARGENTDB;
Database=Argent_Event_Logs;Trusted_Connection=yes)is not available
As shown above, one or more Rules were configured to store data in an invalid database this is the root cause of the issue
The high CPU warning is misleading
Update the Rules to save data to the correct database