KBI 311888 New Feature: Support Telnet Protocol For Device Configuration Output
Argent for SNMP 5.1A-2010-D and later
Friday, 20 November 2020
CISCO device uses command ‘show running-config’ to download current device configuration. It should generally be executed in SSH, which is more secure. However, some old CISCO models might not support SSH. Instead, Telnet is used.
Argent for SNMP 5.1A-2010-D implements the support of Telnet protocol.
The new feature has been addressed in Argent AT 5.1A-2010-D and later.
Technical Background
PLINK.exe is required to support Telnet protocol. PLINK.exe should be installed under ‘C:\Windows’ folder so that engine can spawn PLINK process.
Upgrade to Argent AT 5.1A-2010-D or later.