KBI 220385 SMS Alerts Error Codes


7.0A and Above.


20 May 2005


Argent’s SMS alerting component returns specific error codes when an SMS alert fails to send.

By analyzing the error code, the root cause.

Technical Background

One of the first places to analyze SMS alert failures is via the AAC_ENGINE_LOG.TXT,

located in the Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentAlertConsole\Logs directory.

You may see “Failed to send” entries such as the following:

Failed to send SMS message via GSM/PCS to service VODAFONE AUS by number 0404123456.

(Message: – EXCHSVR1 Condition corrected for rule NDE_API_SERVER_DOWN on EXCHSVR1.

Re-check result: Rule NDE_API_SERVER_DOWN’ is no longer broken on server ‘EXCHSVR1’. Reset escalation.).


Please note the last section of the entry — IGetLastError() =10.


The IGetLastError() codes refer to the following list of error messages inherent in

Argent’s SMS alerting component:

Error Code Description
0 Success
1 Wrong parameter (possibly NULL)
2 Syntax error
3 Function or type not supported
4 Local call expected
5 SyncInit has not been called yet
6 The provided buffer is too small
10 The message text is too long
30 Invalid (or not existing) service
50 Not connected to server
55 No client licenses are available (maybe the evaluation period has expired)
60 Configuration dialog box is already active
0xFFFFFFFF The function failed
0x00000102L A timeout occurred while waiting for the finish
0x00000000L Success

A value of 10, for example, denotes that the message text is too long.

Most SMS service providers have a 160 character limit on text – the Argent SMS component

will not automatically truncate the message body.

This list of SMS error codes is a very important resource for all Argent Engineers

trying to address SMS Alert issues.