KBI 310180 Settings For GSM Modems To Send SMS
All Argent Products
MultiModem GPRS
USB Wireless Modem MTCBA-G- U-F4
23 Apr 2007
The default settings in Argent XT do not work with this product.
Technical Background
Argent XT creates a session on the COM port that the modem is assigned to send out SMS’s.
To test if the GSM modem is working fine you can create a session on the COM port using a program such as HyperTerminal or Putty and use the following diagnosing commands :
AT OK AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CMGW="+65211234567" > Hello, This is a test message. +CMGW: 1 OK AT+CMSS=1 +CMSS: 20 OK
You will need to use the following settings to make the above mentioned device work with Argent XT:
Baud Rate : 115200 bps
Data Bits : 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Timeout: 60 Seconds
You might need to enter an SMSC number depending on your operator.
You will also need to change the device settings in the device manager, for the GSM Modem and the GSM COM Port accordingly.