KBI 312112 Monitor Multiple SQL Server Instances On The Same SQL Server Using Argent Omega for SQL Server Tool Sets


Argent Omega All Versions


Monday, 16 October 2023


Unlike Argent Advanced Technology, Argent Omega provides the facility to configure multiple instances on the same SQL Server in the CMDB-X.

Use the Argent Omega for SQL Server Tool Sets to monitor these configured instances. The following sections describe how to do this.

Technical Background

To configure SQL Server instances in Windows or Linux server, set the value of SQL Server Installed CMDB-X property to Yes as shown below:

To configure the SQL Server instance details, expand the SQL Server installed section by clicking 🞂 and give value for following CMDB-X properties:

  • Instance Name
  • Port (Default 1433)
  • Default Database
  • Logon
  • Password
  • Use Trusted Connection

It is possible to configure multiple instances on the same SQL Server in the CMDB-X.

To do this, select Other Instances CMDB-X property and click button:

CMDB-X will be expanded to accept the details of another instance.

For example,

Suppose the user want to configure two more SQL Server instances named SQLEXPRESS and SQLEXPRESS1, which are available on the same server:

Total 3 instances configured:

  • Instance #1 is SQL Server without instance name.
  • Instance #2 is SQL Server with instance named SQLEXPRESS.
  • Instance #3 is SQL Server with instance named SQLEXPRESS1.

Save the changes and select Test Connectivity from right click menu to do the connectivity test to the configured SQL Server instances:

The test result shows the connectivity status to the configured SQL Server instances:

For Example:

The above result says that the connectivity to the instance SQLEXPRESS1 is failed and the other two are successful.

While using Argent Omega for SQL Server Tool Sets, configure the Filter Instances option to filter the SQL Server instances configured in CMDB-X.

For example,

To execute the Rule against all the configured SQL Server instances on a server, specify the wildcard character *(default) in the Filter Instances text box:

To use a specific instance, suppose SQLEXPRESS:

To use all configured instances except SQLEXPRESS1

Check the Exclude Specified Instances check option to exclude the specified instances. User can also specify comma separated instance names in Filter Instances text box.



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