KBI 311135 New Feature: Run Action Alert by Event Auto Answering


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1501-A and later


Friday, 19 Dec 2014


New keywords (RUN:UID=%AGUniqueID%:ALERT_NAME) is introduced in Argent AT 3.1A-1501-A

When an email or SMS message containing such keywords is picked up by Argent Console Engine, the Engine will do following:

  1. Check the validness of the Event UUID

    If not valid, the action Alert will not be executed

    Following message is logged ‘IGNORED message from Reason: Event record (UUID: xxxxxx) does not exist’

  2. Check the validness of the Alert

    If not valid, the action alert will not be executed

    Following message is logged ‘IGNORED message from Reason: Could not get UUID for alert xxxx’

  3. Read event record to fill in environment variables such as machine name, Rule name, Relator name etc so that any Alert keywords in the action Alert can be replaced accordingly
  4. Execute the Alert

Technical Background



Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1501-A or later