KBI 310464 New Feature: Add Relators To View


Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A


Friday, 3 May 2013


Relators can now be added to Argent Global Manager Views.

To add Relators to a View, select a View, select tab ‘Argent AT‘ or ‘Argent XT‘, select tab ‘Relators‘ and click the add button

A sub-window pops up with ‘Product‘ combo that lists all the available products. Relators available for each product gets listed as per the selection made in the combo

Select the desired product from the combo and select Relators from the list that get displayed below. Click the ‘OK‘ button and a message box gets displayed with option to add Monitoring Groups as Shared or Private

Click either ‘Shared‘ or ‘Private‘ and the Relators get added to the View’s list with option to allow Read/Modify/Delete

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