KBI 310708 Issue Addressed: Trusted Agent Won’t Run Task Assigned To The Last Monitoring Engine In The Shared Pool


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1308-A or below


Tuesday, 15 Oct 2013


The pool size of shared Monitoring Engine process is defined in Trusted Agent setting. If a task was assigned to the last one in the pool either explicitly or calculated because of dynamic setting, the task won’t run

Technical Background

It is due to coding error

The Trusted Agent does not check the work orders under directory WO\{AGENT}\{POOL SIZE}. For example, agent ‘‘ has the pool size is 5, the directory WO\\0 to WO\\4 are checked, but not WO\\5

As result, the task won’t run, and directory WO\{AGENT}\{POOL SIZE} can accumulate large amount of work order files over time


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1310-A or later