KBI 310969 Issue Addressed: Argent Defender Tasks Assigned To Remote Trusted Agent Might Be Stuck In Running Mode
Argent Defender 3.1A-1404-A or earlier
Thursday, 19 June 2014
When Argent Defender tasks are assigned to remote Trusted Agent, if communication is disrupted, the tasks may be stuck in running mode
On the ‘Scheduled Task‘ screen, the top level TEST list shows the task in Ready mode, while the lower level instance list shows the task in Running mode
If customer checks the task log, he will see the task has actually completed or cancelled
Unfortunately the task will not be scheduled and executed from this point until service restarts manually or recycles at midnight
The issue is corrected in Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T4
Technical Background
Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T4 or later
For customer who cannot upgrade immediately, he will have to restart the service in order to bring the task out of running mode