KBI 311215 Issue Addressed: Could Not Use IP Address For Prerequisite Rules In Argent for VMware


Argent for VMware 3.1A-1504-A and earlier


Monday, 18 May 2015


In order to use a Node for Prerequisite Rule in Relator, the Node must be licensed in the same product

However, IP address is not a licensable object in Argent for VMware 3.1A-1504-A or earlier

As a result, it is difficult to specify a router or switch etc for Prerequisite Rule

The issue has been addressed in Argent for VMware 3.1A-1501-T1

Technical Background



Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1504-T1 or later

For customer who cannot upgrade immediately, a workaround can be provided as following:

  1. Manually add a fake window server or workstation to CMDB-X
  2. Set the alternative IP address for the fake object as the router or switch IP address
  3. License the fake object
  4. Use the fake object for Prerequisite Rule in Relator