KBI 311276 Issue Addressed: Argent Defender Does Not Work On Windows 2012 For Secure Websites
Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1507-A and earlier
Monday, 31 August 2015
Some websites are protected by logon and password
When customer first accesses such a website, user and password prompt should be shown
To record or play web session on such websites, Argent Defender allows specifying the user and password on URL object definition screen
Due to technology changes in Internet Explorer and Windows OS, this does not work any more on Windows 2012 with Internet Explorer 11 and later
The web session script will be stuck in the security logon prompt
The issue has been corrected in Argent AT 1507-T2
Technical Background
In earlier versions, Argent Defender uses DLL injection to alter the WININET API calls with provided logon and password
WININET.DLL becomes a protected DLL in Windows 2012
The DLL injection does not work anymore
Argent AT 3.1A-1507-T2 addresses this issue by implementing IAuthenticate interface in both Script Recorder and Player BHO (Browser Helper Object)
Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1507-T2 or later