KBI 310595 New Feature: Toggle Options Off for Node and Top X Modules


Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above


Wed, 3 July 2013


A new option to ‘Toggle Options Off/On’ is available on the Top X and Device Drill-down pages

These options allow customers to hide the Argent Predictor objects/counters/instances pull-down selection options to preserve screen real-estate

This option is persistent on a per-user basis

Technical Background

Argent Commander’s Top X page, as well as node-based modules such as the Graphs and Dashboards, all have a large “options” section to allow customers to select Argent Predictor objects, counters and instances.

The real-estate consumed by the options screen accounts for around 40% of the entire module’s height.


Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A or above