KBI 311502 Error Counts For Ended Tasks In Argent Defender Ultra


Argent Defender Ultra 1611-C and later


Wednesday, 4 January 2017


Argent Defender Ultra has implemented a new feature that displays the number of errors encountered for each completed task, in red, for emphasis:

Technical Background

There are two main types of errors:

  • HTTP Errors
  • Step Timeout Errors

The ‘Error Count’ = HTTP Errors + Step Timeout Errors

HTTP Errors can come from broken images, missing CSS or JavaScript files, or HTTP 404 or 500 errors on landing pages

Unless the HTTP Error affects the script from completing, the effect is generally non-fatal, and the script continues to completion, while making note of the HTTP Error

Step Timeout Errors, on the other hand, are always fatal – in other words, if it fails to click on hyperlink X, the rest of the script cannot continue

The number of errors will then equal to the step that caused the failure, plus the number of SKIPPED steps

So imagine a script with 10 steps

Let’s say the script encounters 3 HTTP Errors along the way, and times out on executing step #7, skipping step 8, 9 and 10

The total ‘Error Count’ would be 3 HTTP Errors + 1 Timeout Step + 3 Skipped Steps = 7 Errors

Customers will be able to analyze the errors from the Scheduled Task History page by right-clicking on the row and choosing ‘View Waterfall and Logs’

The log file will provide a full analysis of the error breakdown, and the Waterfall will provide a visual display of where the HTTP Errors (if any) occurred


Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra 1611-C