KBI 311197 Enhancement: Argent Job Scheduler Support For Microsoft Distributed File System DFS


Argent Job Scheduler 10.0A-1504-A and later


Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Argent Job Scheduler has a bullet proof code which checks if the remote servers are online before submitting Jobs

This applies to remote servers where dependency files are stored

This feature ensures that the Microsoft API to check the file availability is not called when the remote server is offline

This way the delay caused by the Microsoft’s blocking API is reduced for better performance of code

The code was written to retrieve the remote server name from UNC path

Technical Background

With the introduction of DFS (Distributed File System) by Microsoft, the globally followed UNC path standard is broken and a remote network path without server name came into existence

A DFS root has one of the following formats:




The first format begins with a server name which is similar to a UNC path and the second format begins with a Domain name

Argent Job Scheduler has been enhanced to support this change and it now supports all kinds of DFS paths


Upgrade to Argent Job Scheduler 10.0A-1504-A or later