KBI 311505 New Rule Category Anonymous Connection Count Rule In Argent for XenApp


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-T20 and later


Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Argent Advanced Technology has been introduced a new Rule category ‘Anonymous Connection Count Rules’ in Argent for XenApp

The new Rule is under ‘XenApp Application Monitoring Rules’ that monitors the count of applications that allows anonymous connection in XenApp 6.5 server


‘Anonymous Connection Count Rules’ checks the count of applications those are configured to allow anonymous connection in XenApp 6.5 server

Rule ‘RULE_APP_ANON_CONN_CNT_DEMO’ checks and saves the count of applications those allow anonymous connection to Argent Predictor

Technical Background

During XenApp installation, Setup creates a special user group called Anonymous

Anonymous users have guest permissions by default

When a user starts an anonymous application, the XenApp server does not require an explicit user name and password to log the user on to the server, but selects a user from a pool of anonymous users who is not currently logged on

Anonymous user accounts do not have a persistent identity; no user information is retained when an anonymous user session ends

This Rule informs the count of applications those allow anonymous connection in XenApp 6.5 servers

The Rule checks all published applications in the XenApp 6.5 servers and saves the count of anonymous applications to Argent Predictor


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-T20 or later