KBI 311219 Enhancement: File Dependency Options To Check If The File Has Been Or Has Not Been Changed Within A Specified Time


Argent Job Scheduler 10.0A-1505-A and later


Friday, 29 May 2015


In 10.0A-1505-A and later versions, the Argent Job Scheduler File Dependency check now provides the following options:

  • If &nbsp ‘File Exists’ and ‘Has’ changed within the past ‘x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’
  • If &nbsp ‘File Exists’ and ‘Has NOT’ changed within the past ‘x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’

Technical Background

The &nbsp ‘File Dependency Subrule’ window (J40 screen) now has a combo for selecting the file size “Has” or “Has Not” changed within the specified time

Argent Job Scheduler versions prior to 10.0A-1505-A, had only the ‘has not’ option

File Exists And ‘Has’ Changed In Size In The Past&nbsp ‘x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’

This option is to check if the file exists in the specified location and has been changed in size within the past &nbsp &nbsp ‘x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’

File Exists And ‘Has NOT’ Changed In Size In The Past &nbsp’x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’

This option is to check if the file exists in the specified location and has NOT been changed in size within the past ‘x Days &nbsp y Hours &nbsp z Minutes’


Even though the wording for these options says ‘changed in size’, it also ensures that the file being modified is also considered as &nbsp ‘changed’ even if the file size remains the same


Upgrade to Argent Job Scheduler 10.0A-1505-A or later