How Do I Get My NetBIOS Domain and Server Name?

Worldwide, administrators are overworked

To make your job easier Argent has created this utility

This utility sends to Argent the information needed to create your license key

It also ensure your Argent server has the necessary prerequisites

A copy of the information is written to C:\ (You can change this with the /OUTPUT= parameter)

Run this on the Argent Main Engine, or any Argent Motor

Download Free Tool

Steps to Run

1. Copy the zip to C:\ and extract the zip file using ‘Extract Here’ on the Argent Main Engine or any Argent Motor

A folder with following path will be created C:\ARGENT_KEY_INFO_PREQ_1705_A

2. Edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and specify the ‘/ID’ ,’/COMPANY’, ‘/CONTACT’ parameters



3. Run the ‘ARGENT.CMD’ using ‘Run as administrator’ option

4. The output files ‘ARGENT_KEY_INFO.TXT’ and ‘ARGENT_PREQ.TXT’ will be created in ‘C: \’ and the same files will be sent to as well

Note: The execution will get aborted if the required parameters (/ID,/COMPANY,/CONTACT) are not specified



To get help on usage, edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and replace all three parameters with ‘/?’ before running it



Specifying ID Parameter

This is a mandatory parameter to run the utility

Edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and specify the ‘/ID’ parameter

‘/ID’ parameter expects a valid email address




     ARGENT_KEY_INFO_PREQ_1705_A.EXE /id=””


Specifying COMPANY Parameter

This is a mandatory parameter to run the utility

Edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and specify the ‘/COMPANY’ parameter



Specifying CONTACT Parameter

This is a mandatory parameter to run the utility

Edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and specify the ‘/CONTACT’ parameter



Specifying OUTPUT Parameter

The output parameter specifies the folder in which output file is to be written

Edit the file ‘ARGENT.CMD’ and use ‘/OUTPUT=’ along with the executable name and ID parameter
