How Do I Create A Unix Group?

If you’re familiar with the administrative tools (smit, sam, System Management Console, sysadmin, etc), use them to create the argentguardian group, and add this group to the group list of the users who run the Argent Unix Rule Engine.

To do this, first determine the number of the user id of the user:

  • Log in as root.
  • Check for an existing argentguardian group with:

         grep argentguardian /etc/group

    If it exists you will see something like:


    If the group does exists, but the intended user is not listed, edit the /etc/group file and append the new user name to the appropriate group line, separating user names with a comma.

    If the group does not exist, use the following to create the new group:

    guardian::<next value>:argent

    Where <next_value> is the next suitable value for the new group (usually greater than 100 and less than 65,534)