KBI 220694 Structural Issues With The Argent Database During An Upgrade


Argent SNMP Monitor 8.0A-0701


11 May 2007


The issue may occur during a product upgrade. An error message appears stating there are structural problems with the Argent Database.

Technical Background

During the upgrade process a Customer may receive an error message stating there are structural problems with the Argent Database.

This example assumes the upgrade of the Argent SNMP Monitor failed. The error may appear while the install shield is running SQL statements and appears to be setting some constraints. The error indicates that one of the SQL tables has a bit value and should be an int value (or vice-versa).

This can be confirmed by running the database integrity check utility ASR_DB_Check.exe, located in drive:\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentSNMPMonitor.

The error message will be repeated, indicating that one of the tables has a bit value and should be a int value instead (or vice-versa).


The solution is to select the table in SQL Server Enterprise manager, right-click and select the Design Table option. Change the column field to the int or bit value. Run the upgrade again for Argent SNMP Monitor.