KBI 220696 Exchange Tracking Log May Cause Excessive Logging


Argent Exchange Monitor 8.0A-0701


19 April 2007


Ballooning Argent XT Database

The following entries in the AXM_MONITOR_ENGINE_LOG will be encountered:


11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.473 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done with scanning tracking log 25 Mar 2007 for Exchange server 'MAIL'

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.505 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done one tracking log scanning for Exchange server 'MAIL'. No new entries are found

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.505 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done with scanning tracking log 25 Mar 2007 for Exchange server 'MAIL'

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.520 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done one tracking log scanning for Exchange server 'MAIL'. No new entries are found

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.520 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done with scanning tracking log 25 Mar 2007 for Exchange server 'MAIL'

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.520 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done one tracking log scanning for Exchange server 'MAIL'. No new entries are found

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.536 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done with scanning tracking log 25 Mar 2007 for Exchange server 'MAIL'

11 Apr 2007 23:56:46.536 EANMELB13 ArgentAdmin Done one tracking log scanning for Exchange server 'MAIL'. No new entries are found


This is possibly caused due to an unknown corruption in the Exchange Tracking log file, which causes the Argent Exchange Monitor to continuously and repeatedly scan the same portion of the Tracking Log.

Excessive logging will also be experienced causing space issues on the Main Engine.

Technical Background

Not Applicable


  • Find the file that corresponds to the date displayed in the Argent Exchange Logs.
  • Stop the Argent Exchange Monitor services.
  • Rename / Delete the Tracking log file on the monitored Exchange Server.
  • Re-Start the Argent Exchange Monitor Services.
  • Confirm if the AXM_MONITOR_ENGINE_LOG is not logging the same message as above.