KBI 220732 Cannot Purge Events From The Argent Console


Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-0707 prior to version 0707-D


20 August 2007


Events that are registered in the Argent Console by Windows Event Logs Rules in the Argent Data Consolidator cannot be purged from the console.

Technical Background

The Argent Data Consolidator Rule Type Windows Event Logs can be configured for Alerting.

When such a Rule is configured in release 8.0A-0707, the Events registered in the Argent Console cannot be purged. Attempts to purge using the GUI as well as by using the command line utility, AAC_Purge.exe, are fruitless.

Before “Purge All Events”

After “Purge All Events”


Upgrade to 0707-D or later.