KBI 310182 Server Inaccessible For Argent Commander Windows XP SP3


Argent Commander – All Versions


5 May 2010


If Argent Commander is installed on a machine running Windows XP SP3, drilling down into a Windows server shows the following error message for the Node Details and Services modules.

Technical Background

As Windows XP SP3 is originally intended for workstations — Microsoft has added very stringent policies to restrict remote WMI access. Most are related to the built-in Windows Firewall Service.

These issues will not occur on W2000, W2003 or W2008 machines.

It is important to note that this is a Microsoft issue — not an Argent Commander issue.


Ensure “Use Simple File Sharing” is NOT checked.

Goto command prompt and type:

netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

Both of these actions should correct almost all remote WMI connectivity issues experienced on your machine.

If the issue persists, Microsoft has a support article detailing some possible steps:
