KBI 310993 Configuring Argent for SAP


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A or earlier


Wednesday, 25 June 2014


The following instructions explain how to configure Argent for SAP

Technical Background



SAP Instance Connectivity Test

Step 1: Add SAP server to CMDB-X

Step 2: License SAP Server And Configure SAP Instance

Step 3: Specify the logon credentials

Logon user name and password to connect SAP server

Step 4: Specify SAP control URL


http://:513(or sapctrl in /etc/services)/?wsdl, where “<NR>” corresponds to the SAP Instance Number (00…98)

https://:514(or sapctrl in /etc/services)/?wsdl, where “<NR>” corresponds to the SAP Instance Number (00…98)

To find out the Instance Number:

  • Logon to SAP server
  • Open SAP Management Console (MMC), you can find out the list of instances installed
  • Please see the below screenshot

  • (In the above screenshot only one instance (SAPTRIV 0) is installed in the SAP system AGP)

Step 5: After configuring the instance, do the connectivity test and make sure that ‘SAP server Connectivity (Test 17)‘ is ‘[VALID]

The SAP start service runs on every computer where an instance of a SAP system is started

It is implemented as a service on Windows, and as a daemon on UNIX

The process is called sapstartsrv.exe on Windows, and sapstartsrv on UNIX platforms

The SAP start service provides the following functions for monitoring SAP systems, instances, and processes

  • Starting and Stopping
  • Monitoring the runtime state
  • Reading logs, traces, and configuration files
  • Technical information, such as network ports, active sessions, thread lists, etc

These services are provided on SAP Control SOAP Web Service