KBI 311145 How Linux CPU Usage Scripts Work


Argent Guardian Ultra — All Versions


Updated Fri, 13 Mar 2015


There are two ways that Argent monitors CPU usage for Linux machines.

Depending on which pre-defined Rule you are using, the method of obtaining CPU usage may be different.

This KBI goes through the logic used in each type of script.

Technical Background


In SCP_LINUX_CPU_OVERLOAD, Argent uses the ‘ps’ command to retrieve every process (using the -e switch) with the % CPU usage(-o pcpu) for each process on the Linux system.

The command also returns the Process ID (PID), and the command line for each process.

ps -e -o pid,pcpu,comm

The Rule checks if the CPU Total exceeds the predefined threshold CPU percentage.

The CPU Total is obtained by iteratively summing up the CPU usage of each process.


In SCP_LINUX_PDT_CPU_UTIL, Argent uses the ‘vmstat’ command to retrieve CPU utilization for the system.

vmstat 1 2 | awk ‘ { if ( NR == 4 ) print $NF } ‘

The script will subtract the idle (“id”) column from 100% to obtain the system’s CPU usage:

METRIC=`expr 100 – $CPU_IDLE`

Note: Different versions of Linux may have the Idle CPU on a different column; some columns may not even exist – here is a list of what each column moves:

  • us: Time spent running non-kernel code.
  • sy: Time spent running kernel code.
  • id: Time spent idle.
  • wa: Time spend waiting for IO.
  • st: Time stolen from a virtual machine.

If values seem to be off, the Idle CPU (id) may be on a different column than what the script is expecting.

Argent can assist customers to update the script as long as the customer can provide a screenshot of the output of the command “vmstat 1 2” when executed on the target server (either through SSH or Telnet)
