KBI 311230 Argent Console Event Can Be Fired Again After It Has Been Put Into Maintenance Mode And Automatically Resolved
Argent Advanced Technology all versions
Friday, 5 June 2015
Argent Console Event can be put into Maintenance Mode to avoid further notification for a certain period of time
However, if the Event is automatically resolved and the same condition happens again before maintenance period expires, the Event will be fired again
The behavior is by design
If an Event put into Maintenance Mode is answered manually or automatically resolved by Engine, the Event status changes to answered or resolved
It is no longer in Maintenance Mode
When the condition happens again, there is no pending Event of same condition
As a result, a new Event is fired for the same condition
The design is what most people expect
For example, customer gets the Alert about the low free space of a SQL Server
He contacts the database team and is informed that a server is undergoing software upgrading, and disk space usage will increase significantly during the process
The upgrade process is scheduled for next 4 hours
Customer put the Event into maintenance mode for 4 hours so that the Alert stops
After 3 hours, database team calls and informs him that upgrading has completed and monitoring can resume
The maintenance period has not expired yet
Customer goes to Argent Console and answers the Event
From that point, disk space should be monitored normally
To summarize, answering or resolving an Event removes the maintenance mode for the Event
Technical Background