KBI 311917 SQL Bulk Insert Failed To Work After Database Migration
Argent Advanced Technology All Versions
Monday, 15 Mar 2021
The Argent SQL Bulk Insert failed after database migration and showed the following error
Error: You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement
Technical Background
Argent SQL Bulk Insert improves data I/O efficiency on the Argent database server.
It reduces number of data writes by creating “data batch file” locally on the Argent database server.
The “data batch file” is then handled by database engine and saved into the Argent database.
The feature requires file system permission and SQL server role permission to work properly.
The above error indicates lack of permission on SQL Server — the ‘bulkadmin‘ role or ‘sysadmin‘ role
1. Ensure the Argent Service Account was granted full permission for the SQL Bulk Insert Folder
2. Ensure network share access available for the SQL Bulk Insert Folder
3. Ensure the Argent Service Account was granted SQL Server Role ‘bulkadmin‘ or ‘sysadmin‘