KBI 310781 Issue Addressed: Some User Data Not Saved When Archiving UNIX Log


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1310-A or below


Monday, 16 Dec 2013


When archiving UNIX log that has additional text as new line after the time stamp, the additional text will be saved as part of description field, but any user data fields parsed from the additional text are not saved

For example, UNIX log may look like following:

The parsing logic for such a log is defined as follow:

The first three user data fields are in the same line as time stamp, the last three user data fields come from the new line after the time stamp

As result, the first three user data fields will be saved in the XML column of archiving table, while the last three user data fields won’t be saved

Technical Background

It is a coding error


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-A or later