KBI 311168 Issue Addressed: Message Popup Always Dismissed As Unknown Dialog Box


Argent Defender 3.1A-1501-C and earlier


Friday, 20 Feb 2015


A recorded web session may include message popup, and OK confirmation is needed to proceed

Keyword ‘HasDialogBox’ can be used to detect the popup, and click on the right button to close the dialog box

However, when Argent Defender is installed on Windows 2012, the dialog box is always dismissed as ‘unknown’

As a result, the keyword ‘HasDialogBox’ cannot detect the popup dialog box

If the web session requires the OK confirmation, the record web session will not be executed successfully

The issue is addressed in 3.1A-1501-T2

Technical Background

Argent Defender relies on API hook to detect the success or failure status of web response

The changes of Windows 2012 Operating System disable the feature

As a result, the popup message cannot be correctly recognized


Upgrade to Argent Defender 3.1A-1501-T2 or later